Naked Female Flight Attendants Cause Controversy

A Kazakhstan travel company has stirred mixed reactions online when it released an ad which saw a group of air stewards strip to only their hats. Many people described it as ‘disgusting’ and ‘cheap’

On of the commenters on Facebook expressed her distaste for women selling their bodes in ads posting ”I’m sick of this sh*t”

Nurken Rzaliyev from Chocotravel’s parent company Chocofamily noted on that the video was not intended to offend anyone.

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“The video is bold and shocking, but we did not want to hurt anyone’s feelings, and regret it if it happened,” he wrote. “The advertisement shows exactly as much as you can see on any beach or in the pool. You do not attack girls in short skirts and people in swimsuits?”

However, not everyone was against the ad, with some noting the excellent visuals.

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